Friday, March 22, 2013

Changing Opinions

Alright I know I have already said that I just don't like competitive cheerleading, but I am kind of having a change of heart. I started watching the youtube series Cheerleaders and I really like it. I love their coach, like SO MUCH. I love how he pushes them and how not everyone on the squad is a skinny twig (mainly because I am not a twig). It made me realize that I sort of had preconceived notions about competitive cheerleaders and their body size. I have been told my whole life that I was just too big to do dance, gymnastics, and cheer. I stepped out of my comfort zone and became a cheerleader on a squad that didn't require tumbling. Watching Cheerleaders made me realize that I could have done anything I wanted when I was younger and I was just being bullied into not following my heart. It just makes me wish that I would have started cheering sooner.

I also have started becoming more open to competitive cheerleading because of Twitter. I am following lots of competitive cheer Twitter accounts and I am starting to understand that there isn't that big of a difference between us. They cheer for a few minutes, I cheer for a few hours. We do roughly the same thing but theirs is more concentrated. They get to do cooler stunts because the high school won't allow us (I really am jealous about that). They tumble, my squad chose not to tumble but we could have. They poof their hair, so do I. They love glitter, SO DO I. We really aren't that different.

We need to learn that it isn't an US-THEM situation. It is an US situation. We both want cheerleading to be recognized as a sport and to be appreciated as the athletes we are. We need to stop being so prejudiced towards each other and realize that we are one. (pretty sure that is out of Lion King 2, but what evs). I am just trying to say that we don't need to say that one type of cheerleading is better than the other. We both have our purpose. I cheer on my school's athletes (who don't appreciate us), they cheer to win a competition. I am not competitive in nature, I chose the right kind of cheerleading for me. Just like every cheerleader does. Don't hate on one kind or another because neither is the "right" kind of cheerleading. I get so often that I don't do the right kind of cheerleading and I hate it. Why does there have to be a "right" and a "wrong" type of cheerleading. Can't we all just accept that people have different tastes and some people just don't want to compete and others don't want to cheer for a basketball or foot ball team?

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